Quality Tools Insights — Hole Cutters

The Importance of Safety Equipment

The Importance of Safety Equipment

Staying safe & protected is essential when working in any environment. Whether it is a small scale household DIY Task or a larger scale heavy duty construction project, ensuring the appropriate PPE Clothing is worn, correct Health & Safety Equipment is used and Protective Tools are provided is vital.

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Core Drills or Hole Saws: What is the difference?

Core Drills or Hole Saws: What is the difference?
Core Drill Bits/Annular Broach Cutters share similarities with Hole Saw Cutters, they both cut a groove around the outside of the hole leaving a solid core or slug in the middle. However, there are differences when it comes to Core Drills vs Hole Saws.

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Winter DIY

Winter DIY

This blog post investigates the different Home Improvement DIY Techniques you can use to have a warmer winter in your house, office or other building, utilising the very best RUKO or TERRAX drilling and cutting tools from Quality Tools UK.

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Hole Saw Guide

Hole Saw Guide
What are Hole Saws? How do you use a Hole Saw? Which materials can they handle? When should you use a Hole Saw Cutter? The ultimate guide on Hole Saw Tools for your DIY small scale jobs or big scale construction Projects.

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