Quality Tools Insights — Grinding Tools

What is De Burring?

What is De Burring?
To De Burr means to remove excess material known as burrs using De Burring Tools such as Blades, Rotary Burrs and other grinders. This blog explores what is de burring and what techniques can be used.

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Winter DIY

Winter DIY

This blog post investigates the different Home Improvement DIY Techniques you can use to have a warmer winter in your house, office or other building, utilising the very best RUKO or TERRAX drilling and cutting tools from Quality Tools UK.

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What are Rotary Burrs?

What are Rotary Burrs?
Rotary Burr Grinder Tools are ideal for shaping, grinding and removing material such as metal. These high speed Rotating Tools provide smooth surface finishes by removing sharp edges and excess material through the process of filing and deburring. Commonly Rotary Burrs are made from Tungsten Carbide with different head/toothing sizes and coating options available.

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