Quality Tools Insights — Annular Cutters

What is a Weldon Shank?

What is a Weldon Shank?
A Weldon Shank contains a Flat region on the shank of a Drill Bit. Often advantageous to CNC milling machines and magnetic drill manufacturers.

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Core Drills or Hole Saws: What is the difference?

Core Drills or Hole Saws: What is the difference?
Core Drill Bits/Annular Broach Cutters share similarities with Hole Saw Cutters, they both cut a groove around the outside of the hole leaving a solid core or slug in the middle. However, there are differences when it comes to Core Drills vs Hole Saws.

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Winter DIY

Winter DIY

This blog post investigates the different Home Improvement DIY Techniques you can use to have a warmer winter in your house, office or other building, utilising the very best RUKO or TERRAX drilling and cutting tools from Quality Tools UK.

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A-Z guide for Drilling Aluminium

A-Z guide for Drilling Aluminium
Aluminium is a low-density and non-ferrous metal that is resistant to corrosion. It is also soft and ductile, which means some challenges involved when drilling aluminium. This is because its unique characteristics can cause it to have more constant and prolonged contact with the cutting tip, causing heat to build up.

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How Long Do Drill Bits Last?

How Long Do Drill Bits Last?
Drill bits can become dull over time due to extreme heat from drilling holes on rigid surfaces and due to improper use. Friction and extreme heat can wear down the bit's critical cutting edges, making drilling jobs more difficult and time-consuming.

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